Sonia Suvagau

Sonia Suvagau
With a passion for writing and directing, Sonia strives to achieve spontaneity and honesty through film. Recent credits include her original documentary mini-series on happiness entitled “Ecstatic!” for Vision TV and her feature debut “Rose Colored Glasses” which had its enthusiastic premiere at the DOXA Documentary Film Festival in Vancouver.
Sonia graduated with honours in 2010 from Simon Fraser University’s School for the Contemporary Arts in Vancouver, Canada with a BFA in Film. Her grad film “Salvation” won Best Short in the Death By Night Screening at Moving Image in Toronto and Best International Student Film at the Illinois International Film Festival in Chicago. She was also awarded the Best Student Film and Best Actor award at the L.A. Global Film Festival. Additionally, Sonia has over 8 years experience as a videographer and editor and has heavily assisted the production of two other TV documentaries “We Can’t See You Beating Us” (funded by Rogers) and “Return to Byzantium”(aired on CBC). Currently she has just completed her second feature documentary entitled “Our 1/4 Life Crisis”.
TV Series:
- Ecstatic! Broadcaster Vision TV – Writer, Director and Editor (2013)
Feature Documentary:
- Our 1/4 Life Crisis, (HD, 2014)
- Rose Colored Glasses, (HD, 2011)
- Salvation (HD, 2010)
- Besame Mucho (Digital, 2009)
- Pseudocide (16 mm, 2008)
- Burden of Truth (16mm, 2007)
Sebastian Hugeneck
Born in Vienna, Austria – the city of music – Sebastian Hugeneck grew up immersed in the world of central European classical music.
From an early age Sebastian studied piano, and soon discovered his passion for composing. Exploring his song writing throughout high school, Sebastian acted as the lead singer and keyboardist in an indie rock band. Yet as he grew older, he realized it was film music that captivated him most.
To further understand human thought, emotion and behavior, Sebastian studied Psychology at the University of Vienna where he graduated with his bachelors in early 2014. Through out his studies, Sebastian has worked on numerous film projects, several which have also gone on to win awards. He specializes in creating original melodies, storytelling and strong emotions.
In the last couple of years, Sebastian has expanded into also assisting productions and has had an active role in the development of the documentaries “ Rose Colored Glasses” and “Our 1/4 Life Crisis.” Already having dozens of shorts, four feature documentaries, a documentary mini-series and a web series under his belt; Sebastian is one of Austria’s leading young film composers.
TV Series:
- Ecstatic! Created for Vision TV by Sonia Productions Inc.2013
Web Series:
- Yogatown, Jill Hope Johnson, 2012
Feature Documentary:
- Return to Byzantium, The art and Life of Lillian Broca, Adelina Suvagau 2011
- Rose Colored Glasses, Sonia Suvagau, 2011
- High Five: A suburban Adoption Saga, Julia Ivanova, 2012
- Our 1/4 Life Crisis, Sonia Suvagau, 2014
Links for Sonia and Sebastian: